International Business English hearing bad production management and international marketing talent, it is difficult to open up my merchandise export abroad markets. 国际商务英语听力不好的生产管理和国际市场行销人才,很难在国外打开我国商品的外销市场。
International financial and merchandise transactions would become more expensive. 国际金融和商品交易的成本将会上升。
Smuggling focuses mainly on well-known international brands, as instant recognition and confidence in the merchandise are essential to these quick, furtive transactions. 走私主要集中在著名的世界品牌上,因为对商品的即时确认和信心是进行这种快速的地下交易所必须的。
The export-oriented enterprises in China always take orders from international brand owners and manufacture merchandise according to the sample designs. 中国的外向型企业通常都是从国际品牌巨头哪里接受订单,按别人的设计生产。
They will not be regarded as an attractive form in which to hold international reserves. And they will not be seen as a convenient vehicle for merchandise transactions. 美国国债作为国际储备的一个品种,将失去其原有的吸引力,也将不会被当作商品交易中的一种便捷结算工具。
The international arms trade is very complicated, though it also follows the rules of normal merchandise trade. 国际军火贸易遵从商品国际贸易的一般规律,同时,它又是一种极其复杂的商品贸易。
Due to the fact that international merchandise trade determines its decisive role in the Macao's economic and social development, it is indispensable to possess a set of effective and efficient statistic system to reflect her overseas trade situation. 由于对外贸易活动对澳门经济及社会民生发展有着举足轻重的地位,因此拥有一套健全,而又能确切反映外贸状况的统计系统是必须的。
Market system improved more perfectly, trade of Fictitious assets is quite proportion, in the international market system, it has more exceeded the trade of the Real object merchandise. 市场体系更加丰富多彩,虚拟资产的交易占据了相当大的份额,在国际市场体系中,虚拟资产的交易已超过了实物商品的交易。
The current international shipping center must be a harbor of a container hub having the third generations port's characteristic; it integrate merchandise, capital, technique, information into a whole to become the center of resources deploy worldwide. 当前的国际航运中心必须是集装箱枢纽港,是具有第三代港口特征的航运枢纽,即集商品、资本、技术、信息于一体,成为世界性生产活动的综合资源配置中心。
In the distribution of benefits from international trade, the merchandise that are involved in international trade can obtain double benefits of international value and international price. 在国际贸易利益的分配上,参与国际贸易的商品可以获取国际价值和国际价格的双重利益。
The transmitting channel includes international merchandise trade and international financial trade, etc. 和传导渠道,包括国际商品贸易渠道和国际金融交易渠道等。
This paper puts forward some analysis and inquiry into the risks transference of cargo, having compared Chinese stipulation of risks transference of cargo with the relevant stipulation in United Nations International Merchandise Sales Contract Treaty. 本文通过我国《合同法》中关于货物风险转移的有关规定与《公约》中的相关规定简单的比较,对我国对外贸易中货物风险转移问题作了分析与探讨。
Based upon this factor, since the 16th century, international merchandise trade has been closely relating with Macao's quality change and living standard of population, speed of economic and social development and other related fields. 基于此,对外贸易活动自十六世纪以来,对澳门的人口质量变化,居民生活水平,经济增长速度,社会发展等内容有着密切的关系。
In consideration of international situation and developments as well as foreign merchandise dumping to Chinese, this paper analyses China's present antidumping situation and puts forward maneuverability suggestions and countermeasures about it. 本文将结合国际反倾销的形势及发展,针对外国商品对华倾销,深入地探讨和研究中国的反倾销状况,由此提出具有可操作性的反倾销建议和对策以供参考。
According to cultural anthropology theory, innovative theory and sustainable development theory, on the basis of summarizing relevant research results of domestic and international tourism merchandise, the paper have analysed the necessity and feasibility of the developing tourism merchandise in ethnic regions at first. 本文从民族文化入手,依据文化人类学理论、创新理论、可持续发展理论,在对国内外旅游商品相关研究成果进行总结的基础上,首先分析了我国少数民族地区发展旅游商品的必要性和可行性;
China should establish and improve the mechanism of green products, promote green industry, culture green enterprise according to international market, develop and expand green merchandise exports and ensure smooth access to international markets for green products. 我国应建立健全绿色产品机制,依据国际标准培植绿色企业,打破绿色贸易壁垒,积极发展与扩大绿色商品出口,保证绿色产品顺利进入国际市场。
With the arrival of the service economy, the core of the international competition in the market will shift from merchandise trade to service trade. 随着服务经济的到来,国际市场的竞争将由以货物贸易为核心转向以服务贸易为核心。